Mouse Wheel Support

PxPlus supports the Mouse Wheel both in the Grid and in normal screen processing.

Grid usage:

On the grid, moving the mouse Up/Down will scroll the Grid contents up or down. The amount scrolled is dynamic based on the size of the grid. By default, the scroll amount is the lesser of the number of rows presently displayed on the grid or 1/20th of the number of rows in the grid.

Normal Screens:

On the normal screen, rolling the mouse wheel will generate Up/Down arrow signals, which can be intercepted by your application. The number of Arrow keys generated will be based on the setting of the INI parameter MouseWheelCnt in the Config section. By default, this value will be set to two (2).

For example, if your INI file contained:


Then, if focus were on the standard screen, PxPlus would internally generate 5 Up/Down arrow keystrokes every time the mouse wheel was moved.

Trapping Wheel Movement Yourself:

If desired, rather than having the system automatically map the mouse into Up/Down arrows, you can place a negative number in the MouseWheelCount value (any negative value) and the system will instead send your application a -1091 for wheel UP, -1092 for wheel Down.