
Do you find yourself trying to find an easy way to run your applications on the web without having to rewrite your entire application?

How would you like to take this screen...



and turn it into a screen that looks like this on the web?


If you said yes, then the

Solution is iNomads

What is iNomads?

A new product that will allow Nomads developed applications to be run in a browser

  • Not Windx or Javx but rather it creates HTML/DHTML and JavaScript from the panel definitions contained in Nomads libraries.
  • It makes your application a true web application

How does it work?

In response to a web request, iNomads launches a process on the server to run the application

  • The process converts panel definitions to DHTML
  • Subsequent requests get routed to the same process
  • Application remains resident and has persistence

What are the advantages?

  • No special software required on workstation
  • HTML incorporated into existing web design
    • HTML layout subject to CSS
    • Customizable templates allow further refinement
    • No constant connection required
    • Allows use where transmissions may be intermittent (warehouse, mobile...)

Can I see it in action?

A demo system is available at where you can see some sample screens and template usage.

How do I get iNomads?

If you are interested in seeing this product in action, contact us at 1-888-975-7587 ext 701.