Version 7.10 Build 9170


Two major new features highlight this release -- the new Integrated Toolkit and the built-in Version Control features for program files. Both of these are designed to assist in the support, testing and development of your business applications.

In addition, this release is designed to operate on Microsoft VISTA along with prior versions of the Windows Operating system.

The following new +PxPlus Exclusive features were added to PxPlus with Build 9170
(click here to view information on the prior build --9163)

  • Major upgrade to graphical editor to create the new Integrated Toolkit
    Enhancements include
    - Remote debugging
    - Program Synopsis window with dynamic contents
    - Public and Private Workspaces to better manage your work
    - Direct access to Nomads libraries
    - Support of Program libraries
    - Built-in macro text libraries
    - Split screen for easier User Interface
  • Built-in Version control system tied to the SAVE directive including the ability to include comments and multiple versions of a program in a program file.
  • Support for the VISTA operating system with a new Install Shield designed to resolve a number of issues regarding UAC.
  • A new 'Sizer' style button has been added to allow for slider controls and window sizers.
  • Drag and Drop support was extended to include buttons and check boxes as Drag sources.
  • Created new "*PLUS/CS/SERVICE" utility to allow for easy installation and setup of the Simple CS as a Windows service.
  • Improved Simple Client server interface for Spawned tasks
  • Virtual directories have been added to the system through the use of the PREFIX DIRECTORY directive.
  • The PERFORM directive has been enhanced to allow for the passing of a NULL string
  • The CALL, PERFORM, and RUN directives now allow starting execution at a statement number within the program, not just at a statement label
  • The LIST_BOX FIND and GRID FIND directives were enhanced so that finding item 0 (or specifying column/row of zero) returns the complete list/grid contents
  • BEGIN * and CLEAR * have been added to the system to clear all global variables and close global files (BEGIN only).
  • A WAIT option was added to the SYSTEM_HELP directive to allow applications to wait for the completion of any process initiated by the directive.
  • A new option (3) to return the number of seconds elapsed in the session has been added to the TMR function.
  • The TSK function has been extended to provide support of the remote debugger.
  • TCB(82) has been changed so that it will return a value of -1 on ALL non-Windows platforms.
  • Enhanced the SYS function to provide the ability to query the status of or kill processes on ALL platforms
  • The CHG function has been extended to return the "Change" status for programs
  • Changed the FIN function to return a device style response for PDF files instead of a disk file format.
  • The 'OPTION' mnemonic has a new ML_OVERLAP_ADJUST option to disable the automatic adjustment of overlapping multi-line controls.
  • Numerous new Bitmaps have been added to the internal bitmap library
  • Added support for the 'COLOUR' mnemonic within List box entries
  • Enhanced the 'MESSAGE' mnemonic to allow for the displaying of floating tips.
  • New RECALL command to recall prior saved versions on program files
  • The VER command has been enhanced to display version information
  • The *INIFILE utility has been enhanced to use the Prefix search rules to find pre-existing INI files.
  • The *WINAPI routine has been expanded to include a FormatError entry point to return the OS message text.
Fixes and minor changes
  • Corrected problem with PDF not handling "FILL BACKGROUND" attribute when the text is centered or right justified (details)
  • Corrected problem with KGN function returning keys on file with more than 16 keys (details)
  • Smart list boxes didn't call "formatter" program when using an expression (details)
  • The GRID property 'LoadIoList$ was unable to handle IOLISTs with statement labels or formatting options (details)
  • The font used in the web server log view utility was too small to view. (details)
  • Nomads internally would change the value of _Proplist$ when processing Grid input (details)
  • Fixed potential system failure when assigning data to a LOCAL composite string (details)


The file 'panel.inf" which is created and used by the utility *winpnl has been relocated from the directory where you installed PxPlus to *win/panel.inf (lib/_win/panel.inf) in this release. If you want to preserve screen position information from a prior release, you will need to move this file to its new location.

'+R' Note:

New with this version of PxPlus is the built-in capability to maintain prior versions of programs within the program files. These prior versions do not occupy any memory space nor impact the loading or execution of the programs in any way but will increase the size of the program files. By default PxPlus will be set to preserve the last five versions of the program ('+R' set to 5). If you wish to disable this feature, you should set '+R' to zero in your START_UP program.

To recall prior versions, you can enter RECALL nn from command mode when nn represents the relative version number (1= prior version, 2=version before that, etc...). Alternative you can enter n.nnn where the number matches the actual program version number that can be either set by the SAVE "...",IND=n.nnn or automatically assigned by the system. The VERS * command can be used to view all versions of the program that exist for the currently loaded program.

See the Version control system in the users guide.

Supplemental updates:

The following additional updates have also been released:

  • A Rich Text Word processor style Multi-line control has been added to PxPlus including printing support.
  • Added new Grid property 'AutoTrack to control automatic tracking of the Scroll bars.
  • New 'TEXT' block printing capabilities have been added to simplify the printing of blocks of text across page boundaries.
  • The PDF interface was enhanced to include a View capability and defaults.
  • Enhanced the Windows 'About/Info' display to include list of graphic Images groups currently in use.
  • Corrected reporting of the BKG system variable when using WindX/JavX (details)
  • A syntax error in the logic field in Nomads dependancy tables was being reported during entry (details)
  • Corrected problem with slow pipe reads on Unix/Linux (details)